Wednesday 9 March 2016

Percent of Urban Population in India (31.16%)

High Percentage of Urbanisation:

1.Goa-----------      62.17
2.Mizoram---      51.51
3. Tamilnadu--   48.45
4. Kerala----        47.72
5. Maharashtra-45.23
Low Percentage of Urbanisation:

1. Himachal Pradesh--  10.04
2. Bihar.                           11.30
3. Assam.                        14.08
4. Odisha.                        16.68
5. Meghalaya.                 20.08

Friday 9 October 2015

Bharat - Pak dispute, a major problem and its Solution

*    In india before 1947-the question        arises-two nationality -  solution india
* Drawback -  not implemented 100% - Area divided but people mostly living in India.
* Result - seeds of problem remain and after favourable conditions it become larger and larger.
* Solution - 1) Unification of India
                       Follow strictly two nation theory and transfer of population, although it is difficult too.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

India & Neighbouring Nation at a Glance

Sl. No.   Countries.   Area      Population
1.           India.            3,287,263.      1,267,401,849
2.           Afghanistan   652,085.            31,280,518
3.           Pakistan.        796,096.          185,132,926
4.           Nepal.              147,181.            28,120,740
5.           Bhutan.              47,001.                  765,552
6.           Myanmar         676,578.            53,718,958
7.           Bangladesh.    143,998           158,512,570
8.           Sri Lanka.           65,610.            21,445,775
9.           Maldives.                 298.                   351,572
10.        Tibet.             1,228,400.                3,002,166.
Note-  Tibet is autonomous region of China.

Gender Discrimination and Language.

We teach young children about the gender discrimination in political science books. Indian Constitution is against gender discrimination. But in language , we find everywhere gender discrimination. For instance, Ram is honest. He is sincere also. If in place of Ram we put Sita ,then pronoun for Sita will be ' She' not ' He'. This difference of words HE and SHE is used to recognise the word Ram and Sita whether it is masculine or feminine. Now question arises Why language is interesting in categorizing the words are masculine or feminine ? This is not example classical gender discrimination. 

Saturday 21 March 2015

A Nation in Making.

1.Nationalism- Feeling of Pride and belongings in citizen make Nation.

2.Unity- Community life, dedication towards society help to shape the Nation.

3.National Character- Feeling love and honour towards national property and heritage.

Present Education

1.A true broad based education prepares students for life, without losing their areas of specialisation and competence.

2.The first duty of a university is to teach wisdom not trade; character, not technicalities.
                          --Winston Churchill.

3.A person who is morally educated will be a lot better equipped to move up in life or succeed than will a morally bankrupt person, with excellent academic qualifications.

4.Universities are turning out highly skilled barbarians because we don't provide a framework of values to young people, who more and more are searching for it.
     --Steven Muller, President,
       Johns Hopkins University.

Friday 20 March 2015

India: Development Story.

68% population of India is living in villages. They are engaged in cultivation work. Govt. data shows that 90% cultivation work is now a days mechanized in India. Only 5 to 10% labour work engaged. Now question arises 63 to 58% rural population not getting sufficient employment. In economics language it disguised unemployment or seasonal nature. It means 73 to 79 crores of population depend on govt oxygen. Such a large number of population is unknown to changing face of India in Modi regime. Scenario is not good. Two India is developing in one Nation state. One is rich another is poor......